The following was shared by the pastor and Catholic priest at St. Mary's parish in Beverly this week. I believe these are questions all Christians must ask themselves (not just Catholics).
"Now that the election is over... I'd like to offer a brief admonition. This concerns members of every political party and supporters of every political candidate. We are in the Year of Faith. It is an opportunity for us to deepen our knowledge of the Faith and to deepen our love for the One who is the heart of our Faith. We should ask ourselves some questions. Am I more diligent about defending a political candidate or a political party than I am about defending my Catholic Faith? The world needs the witness of Faithful Catholics who are completely loyal to Christ and His Church. Civilization as we know it is rapidly deteriorating. Are you completely dedicated to bringing Christ and His Gospel to others or are you part of the culture that is pushing Christian Faith out of society? To whom much is given, much shall be expected. St. Augustine once wrote to somebody who was inventing his own version of Christianity. He said, 'Tell us straight out that you do not believe in the Gospel of Christ; for you believe what you want in the Gospel and disbelieve what you want. You believe in yourself rather than in the Gospel.' To be a Christian is to believe in the full Gospel. Political candidates are human. Political parties are human institutions. The Catholic Faith is revealed by God. Let's be witnesses to the faith. If we are believers, then we must also be witnesses."
-Fr. David Barnes