I am not very good at New Year's Resolutions, so I made a resolution once to give them up. Most successful New Years resolution I have ever made!
For the past few New Years Eves, I have instead made a bucket list for the coming year. It has been an exciting encouragement to try new things, learn new skills, and visit new places. It gives me an opportunity to dream with God about some of the new things he has for me. What I have learned is he has so much more than I can imagine. I realized that 2016 was a year of many firsts for me, and I decided to pick the top ten firsts of this year and give thanks to God for them. (Some that didn't quite make the list include: first time planting a coconut tree, first visit to Arkansas, and first time on a stand up paddleboard.)
You don't have to read this whole post, but feel free to browse the photos!
Top Ten Firsts of 2016
#10First time setting a Christmas tree on fire.
My brother and niece watching the blaze. |
First time two-stepping with a stranger.
Cute newborn piglets at the Houston rodeo |
A handsome stranger too. It was also my first time at a Texas rodeo, Houston rodeo with Kenny Chesney as the performer. I owe the memorable and very-Texas experience to my friend Karen Crawford, who truly has a heart the size of her state.
First etsy shop.
Making wooden signs with my assistant artisan. |
In the spring, I assigned one of my seniors a fourth quarter project of creating her own Etsy shop. So, in order to teach it, I created one too. It isn't very lucrative, but it has been a great way to keep me in touch with an important part of how God created me- a maker and artist.
First film festival.
There is arguably no bigger movie fan and critic than my brother Kevin. So when visiting him in Texas this year, we checked out Austin's South by Southwest (SXSW) film festival. We saw some famous actors walking about, attended the first public showing of "Keanu," saw street performers and movie fans from across the globe as we roamed the city, and because of Daylight Savings, got back to our hotel around 4AM.
First time outside rock climbing.
This was on my 2016 bucket list! I went twice, but my first time was with my niece. I think it was her first climb outside too!
First blind date.
Nothing like having some risk in my love life. This year, I went on my first true blind date. I walked into a restaurant knowing his height and hair color. Overall the night was a pleasant surprise, and it was a fun adventure.
First sunrise summit.
This is one of the best memories of my life. My sister Michelle and I hiked in the dark one summer morning and made it to the top of Mount Monadnock to see the perfect sunrise. If you know me, you know that there is no greater cathedral that makes me stand in awe of the Creator than the beautiful work he created. And more perfect than an orchestra beginning a great piece, the day began with the first signs of pink glow on the dark edge of horizon. I have seen many sunrises, but not sitting atop the world. "Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee, how great Thou art. How great Thou art."
First time leaving a job without a plan.
This doesn't seem like it should make a top ten, but it holds #3 because God is continually teaching me about trusting him, living by faith, and allowing Him to write my story. I do not know what comes next, but I trust a God who is infinitely good and who loves me completely.
First snowmobile ride in order to ski backcountry powder.
This year, I spent some of my spring break visiting my cousin Joseph in Colorado. My favorite part of the trip was riding up on snowmobiles in order to ski some untouched snow. The feeling of floating through powder is UNREAL and getting to go on an adventure with my cousin, the closest thing to having a big brother, made it even better.
And my favorite FIRST of 2016 is....
First nephew.
Connor William Lee was born this year, and I am so grateful to get to know my first nephew. During his first year of life, Connor had a scary infection that brought him to Children's hospital. As we prayed for his life and cried out to God, I learned that it is only by God's hand and his mercy that life is sustained. We live in a sick and broken and dying world, and God, and God alone is the life-giver. Life is a gift, and I am grateful for the little life of Connor. He is already holding his own in the midst of a very strong Lee girl tribe. At 9 months, he is walking and yelling and trying to keep up.
Here's to the new!