Yup. A question mark.
And lately I have felt like banging my head against a wall.
And the more I try to answer the questions, the more questions I have. The one question-mark in my brain keeps reproducing question-marks that reproduce more question-marks. Multiplying like bunnies.
I think it is normal as humans to want answers. When we persist in question marks, it feels like when the chairlift stops for a very long time and you are left with your ski-laden feet hanging midair. At first, the ride on the chairlift felt liberating, but now you feel stuck and suspended in space and time. Your ankles and knees throb, and you long to be on solid ground again.
Sometimes, when I am feeling like I need answers, I shoot a text to someone for advice or sit and talk with someone or google different things. Jobs, schools, dating advice, budgets, internships, tips, stories, blogs, lists, reviews, etc. etc. I am searching for the answers to my questions in so many places, holding to good shreds of advice and tossing out bad bits.
But what is hilarious to me is that I know someone who knows every single answer to every single question, and not just the generic questions but the questions pertaining to Erica Lee and the chairlift she thinks isn't moving. AND I still sometimes avoid asking him. Or I ask him last. Or I assume he won't answer.
So I resort to all my other resources to get their best guesses instead of the answers.
It takes me so long to just go to God with my questions sometimes.
Does anyone else do that? Would we think it was silly if we asked everyone else besides the expert in the room? But I do that constantly.
And so, this week I want to bring all my questions directly to the source of all wisdom everyday. Spend some time listening. Praise him regardless. If I ask you for advice, will you point me to him? Will you remind me that he doesn't always answer when I think he should?
God, you are my father in heaven who knows all the answers. You know all of me and who you created me to be, and you love me. You know every why and every because. You see my whole life. You ask me to trust you when I don't get an answer right away, but you also ask me to ask you, to come to you and come to you first. You tell me there is humility in not knowing. But I have such little faith. Increase my faith.

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