Thursday, September 10, 2015

Dear Reader

I'm back.  And here's why.

I began writing when I was 5 years old.
For ten years or so, if you asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would confidently say, "a writer."  But sometime in high school, someone made me believe that wasn't practical or profitable or real, and so I forgot about my childhood dream entirely.

About 6 years ago, a man I had never met before with a gift of prayer and prophecy and healing prayed over me and then asked, "Do you write?"  I was confused.  Well no, not really, I thought, but somehow I felt I should have a different answer. "God wants you to write," he told me.  That night, I rolled those words around my head thoughtfully as I fell asleep.

Still, I didn't write.  Not for years.  Sure, occasionally I would scribble some thoughts in a journal, but that was all.  Then, in light of the amazing story in Haiti that God had allowed me to take part, I began this blog because His love is for us all, and He wants me to write about it.

I took this blog offline about 8 months ago after someone had read every post and concluded that I deserved all credit and glory for the words it contained.  The distortion of it all and the damage it caused made me retreat into a hole.  Therefore, please take note:

Almost 25 years ago, God gave a little girl the dream of being a writer, and He wishes to use her pen to tell others about His great love story for the world.  This is why I write.  I am no one extraordinary, just an ordinary woman who is loved by an extraordinary God.  Any shred of truth you find here is not my own.  It belongs to the God I serve who chooses to speak to my heart.  All wisdom and insight and goodness and glory belongs to the God who created the universe and knows every heartbeat.  I am human, so what you find here is far from perfect.  Weigh it, test it, forgive my failings, but most importantly, praise the Lord and the Lord alone for all that is good.


  1. Glad you're back giving expression to God's gift to you.

  2. Yes, we are loved by an extraordinary God indeed. I am so happy that you are once again using your gift from Him to bring attention and glory to our Creator.
