Friday, December 25, 2015

My Life Is Not About Me: An Introduction

I can say with certainty that life is not about me, but I often live as though it is.

I believed that God was real ever since I was very little, but it was not until I was around 16 that I said to Jesus: There is no life worth living but a life lived for you.  Like most people, I didn't think very much about what it means to "give your life to Jesus," I just knew Jesus was it.  He called me, and I followed.  He opened my eyes to truth, and I believed.

But when I "gave my life to Jesus," I didn't realize what it would look like, and I must admit I still don't and probably never will fully know.  But of this I'm sure: giving all to Him meant giving ALL to Him.

So He is constantly teaching me what that looks like, and gently and gradually I am learning to give over parts of my life for His purpose, not mine.  Sure, I'm still a selfish human, but every selfish action and thought is running in direct contradiction to the truth- that I was created by a loving God for a purpose in his great plan.

And so I ask time and again for God to take my day and make it His, write His story with my life, and I know it will be much greater than I could ever write it.  We live in a world where we want to control everything, and when we have more control over our life, our circumstances, our finance, our future, the world sees us as more successful.  I've learned that it's all facade, that we never truly have control to begin with, and it has never been about me, or you, or any Tom, Dick, Harry, or Taylor Swift.  And thank God for that.

And although my stories are largely about me and my tiny experiences of life and God, I hope it is a window to a story much greater than my story.  I hope to make it not about me in the end.

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