Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day...

This is my first Fourth of July outside of the United States. We wanted to do something special for our Independence Day, so Chris (one of the other interns), Caleb (one of the staff kids), and I took a red bedsheet from the closet, a blue pillowcase, and some white paint and made a giant American flag to hang up in the dining area. At breakfast we followed the usual prayer with the Pledge and at supper we sang the national anthem. Later on in the night we held a staff party that included cake, hot dogs, dancing, and a single firecracker. Being in Haiti has really made me appreciate how blessed I am to be born American, and it was fun to celebrate how much we love and miss our country. Happy Independence Day!


  1. As a fellow American in another country, I'm very glad you were able to enjoy it! I pray you are doing well and learning a lot- I am! I can't wait to exchange stories! Also, I am seeing so many beautiful black babies and they all remind me of you! :)

  2. Beautiful flag... you guys rock!
